
Star Parties
Looking for an out of this world experience? The Cincinnati Observatory can bring programming and telescopes to you! Book a star party with us to gaze up at the stars with at least two telescopes available for viewing. These programs take place whether it's clear or cloudy so if the weather isn’t cooperating, we still have plenty to offer! In place of viewing, we will provide a presentation on one of the topics below along with meteorites from our collection on display. While we provide telescopes, projector, screen and a captivating presentation, we ask that you provide a space with adequate lighting, a table, and access to electricity.
Possible presentation topics include: “What’s Up in the Sky”, “The Solar System”, “Stars, Galaxies, and Nebulae”, and “Spacecraft and Space Travel”
Star parties cost $300
Please reach out to Nicole Capella at nicole@cincinnatiobservatory.org to book. At the time of booking, we require a non-refundable deposit of $150.

Engage Dr. Wes as a Speaker
- Mars: Past, Present, and Future
- Star Formation and the Orion Nebula
- Navigating the Night Sky
- Satellites: Necessity & Nuisance
- Science Fiction Versus Science Fact
For a complete list of presentations to pick from click here.
If you would like Dr. Wes to speak at an event, please submit this form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.