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Astronomy Essentials Class Series

7:00 pm
7:00 pm

Class level: Introductory - This class is recommended for guests of any background.

Classes will be held in-person at the observatory. Pricing details are below:

Non-members -- $25/class

Members -- $20/class


Gravity and Orbits

March 4th, 7-8:30PM


Light: The Astronomer's Tool

March 11th, 7-8:30PM

For almost all astronomical discoveries, astronomers rely on a faint glimmer of light from a distant body. Despite this challenge, we've been able to unveil many of the secrets of the cosmos. This class will overview the amazing amount of information that can be deciphered from light.

Register for Light: The Astronomer's Tool only here!


The Role of Heat and Pressure

March 18th, 7-8:30pm

Whether you're investigating the turbulent atmospheres of the gas giants or the convective currents in the Earth's interior, knowledge of the role of heat and pressure are key to your understanding. This class takes an introductory look into the thermal properties of planetary atmospheres and interiors, as well as the stars themselves.

Register for The Role of Heat and Pressure only here!

Guest presenter: Emmy Bursk


How can we study the universe's earliest galaxies, billions of light-years away? The answer lies in using other galaxies as natural telescopes. By bending and magnifying light from distant objects, these natural lenses provide a glimpse into the formation of galaxies, the cosmic web, and the origins of the universe.


Class level: Intermediate - This class is recommended for guests that have some background of astronomical knowledge and are comfortable with mathematical material.


Classes will be held in-person at the observatory. Pricing details are below:

Non-members $20/class

Members $15/class

All Aboard! The Europa Clipper

7:00 pm

Guest presenter: Emmy Bursk

Water is essential for life on Earth. Therefore, the theme “Follow the water” has driven space exploration in the search for extraterrestrial life. This class will explore Jupiter’s ocean moon, Europa, and the mission designed to study its subsurface ocean, investigating its potential to harbor life and how it could deepen our understanding of habitable environments beyond Earth.


Class level: Introductory - This class is recommended for guests of any background.


Classes will be held in-person at the observatory. Pricing details are below:

Non-members $20/class

Members $15/class

Einstein turned physics on its head with the introduction of the theory of special relativity in 1905. From time dilation to nuclear energy, this class will look at the historical development of special relativity and how it is both observed and utilized in science today.


Class level: Intermediate - This class is recommended for guests that have some background of astronomical knowledge and are comfortable with mathematical material.


Classes will be held in-person at the observatory. Pricing details are below:

Non-members $25/class

Members $20/class

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